Magnetron sputtering (磁控溅射台))




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快速退火炉的维修注意事项Precautions for maintenance of rapid annealing furnace

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快速退火炉的维修注意事项Precautions for maintenance of rapid annealing furnace

发布日期:2018-07-14 作者:www.cycas.com 点击:

  1. 炉子首次使用或长时间不用后,要在120℃左右烘烤1小时,在300℃左右烘烤2小时后使用,以免造成炉膛开裂。炉温尽量不要超过额定温度,以免损坏加热元件及炉衬。禁止向炉膛内直接灌注各种液体及溶解金属,保持炉内的清洁。

2. 炉膛若采用石英管,当温度高于1000℃时,石英管的高温部分会出现不透明现象,这叫失透(又叫析晶性)是连熔石英管的一个固有缺陷,属正常现象。

3. 冷炉使用时,由于炉膛是冷的,须大量吸热,所以低温段升温速率不易过快,各温度段的升


4. 定期检查温度控制系统的电器连接部分的接触是否良好,应特别注意加热元件的各连接点的连接是否紧固。

5. 炉子使用过一段时间后,若真空度降低,可分别更换不锈钢法兰盘之间的耐温硅胶圈或重新安装不锈钢法兰盘或更换修理真空系统,以提高系统的整体真空度。

6. 炉子在工作过程中,一般在300℃左右若控制偏差还不能消除,出现温度显示值与程序给定值不符或摆动过大,检查参数“M5、P、t”设置是否准确。


7. 此炉适用于下列工作条件:






 Precautions for maintenance of rapid annealing furnace

  The fast annealing furnace takes the iodine tungsten lamp as the heating element, and the heating speed is extremely fast. The S-type thermocouple is used to measure the temperature and the international leading fuzzy PID control is adopted, which has a high temperature control accuracy of <± 5 . The fast annealing furnace has a vacuum device, which can work in a variety of atmospheres. Just a small variety of annealing furnace.

Magnetron sputtering table

Maintenance precautions:

 1. After the furnace is used for the first time or not for a long time, it shall be baked for 1 hour at 120 or 2 hours at 300 to avoid furnace cracking. The furnace temperature shall not exceed the rated temperature as far as possible to avoid damage to heating elements and furnace lining. It is forbidden to directly pour various liquids and dissolved metals into the furnace to keep the furnace clean.

 2. If the furnace adopts quartz tube, when the temperature is higher than 1000 , the high-temperature part of quartz tube will appear opaque phenomenon, which is called devitrification (also called devitrification), which is an inherent defect of continuous melting quartz tube, and it is a normal phenomenon.

 3. When using the cold furnace, because the furnace is cold and needs a lot of heat absorption, the temperature rise rate in the low temperature section is not easy to be too fast, and the rise of each temperature section

  The temperature rate difference is not easy to be too large. When setting the temperature rate, the physical and chemical properties of the sintered material should be fully considered to avoid the phenomenon of spraying material and polluting the furnace tube.

 4. Regularly check whether the contact of the electrical connection part of the temperature control system is good, and pay special attention to whether the connection points of the heating elements are tight.

 5. After the furnace has been used for a period of time, if the vacuum degree decreases, the temperature resistant silicon rubber ring between the stainless steel flange plates can be replaced, or the stainless steel flange plates can be reinstalled, or the vacuum system can be replaced and repaired to improve the overall vacuum degree of the system.

 6. During the operation of the furnace, if the control deviation cannot be eliminated at about 300 , the temperature display value is inconsistent with the value given by the program or the swing is too large, check whether the parameter "M5, P, t" is set accurately.

 7. The furnace is suitable for the following working conditions:

(1) The ambient temperature is between - 10 and 75 .

(2) The relative humidity of the surrounding environment shall not exceed 85%.

(3) There is no conductive dust, explosive gas and corrosive gas that seriously damages metal and insulating materials around the furnace.

(4) There is no obvious tilt, vibration and turbulence.


