Magnetron sputtering (磁控溅射台))




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Measurement and control of plasma etching in plasma etcher等离子刻蚀机的等离子刻蚀的测量与控制

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Measurement and control of plasma etching in plasma etcher等离子刻蚀机的等离子刻蚀的测量与控制

发布日期:2018-02-01 作者:www.cycas.com 点击:

由于等离子刻蚀机工艺中的过程变量,如刻蚀率、气压、温度、等离子阻抗,等等,不易测量, 虚拟测量(Virtual Metrology)

光谱测量(Optical emission spectroscopy)

等离子阻抗监控(Plasma impedance monitoring)

终端探测(end-point detection)

远程耦合传感(remote-coupled sensing) run-to-run 控制(R2R)


人工神经网络控制 1. 确认万用表工作正常,量程置于200mV。


3.用冷、热探针接触硅片一个边沿不相连的两个点,电压表显示这两点间的电压为正值,说明导电类型为P 型,刻蚀合格。相同的方法检测另外三个边沿的导电类型是否为P型。


Because of the process variables in the process of plasma etching, such as etching rate, air pressure, temperature, plasma impedance, etc., it is not easy to measure. Virtual measurement, 

Optical emission spectroscopy, 

Plasma impedance monitoring, 

end-point detection, 

remote coupled sensing Run to run control (R2R) model predictive control (

MPC) artificial neural network control 1. Confirm that the multimeter works normally and the range is set at 200mV. 

2. The cold probe is connected to the positive electrode of the voltmeter, and the hot probe is connected to the negative electrode of the voltmeter. 

3. Use cold and hot probes to contact two points on one edge of the silicon wafer that are not connected. The voltmeter shows that the voltage between the two points is positive, indicating that the conductive type is p-type, and the etching is qualified. The same method is used to detect whether the conductive type of the other three edges is p-type. 

4. If any edge is not etched as qualified after inspection, this batch of silicon wafers need to be reloaded for etching.



